Stand up for Nova Scotia
Are you tired of politicians who are only in it for themselves, and think they can do whatever they want, regardless of what's good for their people? Because Nova Scotia Proud is fighting for YOU!
In 2025, Nova Scotia and the rest of Canada are facing challenges on all fronts. That's why we're working overtime to present the facts to our fellow citizens, from coast to coast to coast.
We're supported by thousands upon thousands of Nova Scotians, and growing. Our network's viral videos & infographics are seen by almost 10 million Canadians each week, and politicians are being forced to take notice.
But we can't keep up this level of success -- or increase it -- without your help. We need even more people to learn the truth.
Everything we do is financed by donations from everyday Nova Scotians like you. Please make a contribution to help us:
- A gift of $24 will allow another 4,800 Canadians to learn the facts.
- Giving $60 will let us reach 12,000 people.
- And a contribution of $180 will help spread the truth to 36,000 of your fellow Canadians!